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Yukon Technologies is IT Company offers web & software development live project training vadodara.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Hit the nail on head! Why waste time advertising when you can drive millions of visitors through organic search results?

  • We offer only Ethical SEO Services and do not engage in spam
  • We have been getting our clients high rankings on the world's best search engines
  • Our experienced team of SEO experts are constantly evaluating the ever-changing algorithms of the search engines and because we stay on top
  • Our result-focused SEO practices help clients maximize ROI and make their business venture a success

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Ethical, Turnkey, Result-Focused SEO Services

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) has undergone considerable sea changes owing to the changes in the algorithmic structure and protocols governed by the major search engines. We have expanded the horizon of search engine process by integrating newer technologies, better comprehension of Search Engine Algorithmic changes and so is our "SEO Armed Force".

Yukon's ethical & cost-effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services help businesses optimize visitor traffic through major search engines including Google, Yahoo & Bing (formerly Live & MSN). Our White Hat SEO Practices stem from a series of analytical researches, user behavior studies & search engine algorithms analysis. We improve the volume & quality of traffic and help our clients to cement their online visibility by maximizing their ROI and make their business venture a success!

We are pleased to inform that many of our SEO clients have a comprehensive listing (read as Top positions!) on major search engines thus cementing our position as a quality SEO service provider. Our SEO process is customer-centric and based on the principles of clean White Hat SEO.

Our web development team besides enhancing the brand image will also ensure the effectiveness of your online presence through our SEO Services and Online Marketing Services. We help improve your rankings in major search engines to drive traffic to your site.

Visit our detailed SEO Services pages below for more information on a specific SEO service we offer.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Services
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) Services
  • Mobile SEO

How can we help you?

  • Improve your search engine ranking positions ethically by pulverizing your competitors
  • Increase backlinks count in a gradual & natural way
  • Drive good volume of quality traffic towards your website
  • Improve your sales conversions and get the most out of your website

SEO Copywriting Services

It is possible to have an excellent website, dramatic Flash animations, world class advertising campaigns but still no business conversions. One of the crucial factors that come into play here is 'Copywriting' or Content Development. It is content that promotes the relevance of your products and services to your target customers.

Yukon's Search Engine Copywriting and SEO Content Development Services cover a range of services that focus on your exact requirements to produce well researched content aimed directly at your targeted visitors with following copywriting services:

  • Website Content Development
  • SEO Content Development
  • Article Copywriting
  • Press Release / News Release Content Development

Our SEO copywriters create persuasive, informative and effective content that speaks for itself. Our Professional Search Engine Copywriters can deliver to your site powerful marketing copy by writing powerful articles on a regular basis, and syndicate them out on your behalf that delivers a punch, both to human visitors and to search engines.

Web Analytics Services & Solutions

Web Analytics is such a useful way to gauge how your website is performing, that we will often suggest that it is installed on your existing site before we start designing your new site. This will not only let us see how successful your site is at attracting visitors from search engines, it can also reveal how your site performs once they start navigating around the site. We can then use this information to help us design a new site that corrects all of the issues with your existing site.

A Website presence has become standard operating procedure for any business seeking to reach a wider audience, enhance marketing and advertising efforts, stretch marketing budgets, make strategic affiliations, or network and interact on a national or global scale.

Yukon's cost-effective Web Analytics Services includes the measurement of landing pages that push people to make a purchase or achieve a conversion. Our on-site web analytics measures the performance of your website and the data is compared against key performance indicators that can influence your site's performance and are used to improve your website traffic. With our Web Analytics technique, we help you geared up to write better-targeted ads, build up your marketing initiatives and develop higher converting websites.

Key Parameters involved in Yukon Web Analytics Services

  • Monthly Traffic Report
  • Top Traffic Sources
  • Top performing Keyword Report
  • Visitors over a period of Time
  • Percentage of repeated and New visits
  • Time Users spent on website
  • Number of Goal Conversions, etc.,

Key Benefits of Yukon Web Analytics Services

  • Drives good volume of quality traffic towards your website
  • Monitors reports and can track significant changes in data patterns
  • Track sales and conversions
  • Flexible Customization of Traffic reports
  • Effective presentation of reports in the form of PDF, PPT, etc for acute analysis
  • Transformation of Data Analysis into a clear roadmap
  • Plan of Action for higher website conversion
  • Periodical reports to keep client's updated about the progress made in their sites
  • Improved Website Performance results in greater ROI

Our Web Analytics offerings make it easy for you or your marketing department to perform desktop data-mining activities that are difficult or impossible to implement using traditional web analysis methods.

Are you interested to know more about our Search Engine Optimization Services? Just leave us a quote and we are ready to help you.

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