A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Only variable references should be returned by reference

Filename: core/Common.php

Line Number: 257

Yukon Technologies is IT Company offers web & software development live project training vadodara.

Offshore Development Centre

Our Client-Centric VODC Model Brings You the Best of India Advantage Cost-Saving, Quality, Reliability.

  • Holistic project development methodology with emphasis on sound project management
  • You do not need to worry on investments in infrastructure, building, recruitment & maintenance
  • Virtual 24 hour office to man your operations, maintain it and help you focus on core competency areas
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Yukon has brought out its unique Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC) model as part our vision to provide world-class, on-demand products and services. This model showcase Yukon's capacity and capability to deliver reliable, high-quality solutions and the reasons why Yukon must definitely be Your Preferred Outsourcing Partner.

Our unique Offshore Outsourcing model helps you to outsource all components essential for an ideal offshore development you do not need to worry on investments in infrastructure, building, recruitment and maintenance. We provide you a virtual 24 hour office to man your operations, maintain it and help you focus on core competency areas.

With a successful track record of 10+ years, a dedicated team of 175+ professionals, 1000+ successful projects and 14+ global locations with local account management support, Yukon aims to be your long-term offshore partner for both your Custom Software Development Outsourcing and Outsourced Product Development (OPD) providing programmers and developers via our Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC) services.

We offer high-end solutions to provide financial return, risk mitigation, strategic alignment, time-to-market impact and value creation. Developed and deployed using proven methodologies for web and software development, backed by project management, clear and comprehensive documentation, and unique FSP model – ODC Model, Yukon Offshore Outsourcing models have allowed our offshore partners to prioritize their business better.

World-class Development Infrastructure

  • Modular workstations with fast PCs on a high-speed switched network
  • IBM-powered Linux and Windows servers for internal development
  • Internet access and Library for research and learning

Established Project Management Methodologies

  • ISO 9001- certified Quality Management Systems
  • Adherence to SDLC – Requirements, Prototype, Coding, Testing, Release
  • Project Management software to plan, allocate tasks and monitor progress
  • Good Documentation standards for source code, system manual and user manual
  • Dedicated Testing and Quality assurance team
  • Periodic progress reports to clients and clear escalation guidelines for handling of issues

Excellent Communication Facilities to Ensure Smooth Offshore Delivery

  • VoIP and teleconference facilities
  • Skype chat and 24 x 7 email and Internet access over high-speed broadband connections

Risk Management and Information Security Processes

  • Well-laid out intellectual property practices
  • User login-based access for data storage and retrieval of source files
  • Access control, Firewall, anti-virus and periodic data backup systems
  • UPS and Generator facility for Power backup

Progressive HR Practices that Support Our Team to Deliver Best-in-Class Results

  • On-demand work-shift to give you the convenience of working in your time-zone
  • Continual training & development programs and periodic performance appraisals
  • Regular Management Review Meetings to ensure continual improvement

How Does VODC Help You?

  • More than 40% to 50% cost saving overall
  • Reduction in hiring, training and infrastructure costs
  • Flexible and round-the-clock working hours including overlap for your time-zone
  • Access to well-trained and highly skilled man power – view our Technology Skills
  • Ramp-up or Ramp-down offshore capacity based on business demand

Engagement Models

You can choose from any of the following software outsourcing models

  • Our recommended value-for-money model – Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC)
  • Time & materials model
  • Fixed bid model
  • Strategic Alliance/ Joint Venture model

Location Advantage – Technology, Talent & Team Spirit

Technology, Talent and Team, this integrated offshore offering differentiates us from any typical "Body Shop" IT company. We are based in Coimbatore, South India, a city known for its entrepreneurship, salubrious climate, good air connectivity and large talent pool of English speaking IT professionals. Our business culture is driven by a strong value-system of integrity and excellence with a focus on long-term relationships.

Time Zone Advantage – Create Your 24-hr Virtual Office

We have dedicated teams that cater to your product or project development needs in your time zones, providing a virtual 24 hour office to our overseas clients. Outsourcing to Yukon helps you to focus on core areas, increases the development turnaround and time-to-market.

Timely Execution – Value for Money

This has never been a cliche with us and never will be. It is integral to our work ethos and work approach.

Methodology Advantage – Setting the Business Metrics Right

Yukon's unique Outsourced Product Development (OPD) service HeadStart coupled with offshore model Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC) relies on strong process methodology strengths that encompass all areas of software engineering. We adopt a holistic project development methodology with emphasis on sound project management from initiation, planning, design, development, testing and release. Our dedicated teams meet, share and brainstorm on technical innovation, knowledge sharing and risk analysis and mitigation.

People Advantage – The Pillars of Strength

Young. Creative. Disciplined. People with right focus, approach and culture. A culture built on trust and commitment – people who really make a difference to you in innumerable ways. Our people identify with the real-time needs and deliver to match your expectations. Experience of working in different platforms, to different cultures and communities have brought in the requisite soft skills to handle communication with ease and relate to your requirements.

Strength of the Brand – Living our Vision

A young company with sound financial strength, people, technology, experience and more importantly with the promise of the future. Starting in rented premises, Yukon has today grown as a global company with wholly-owned subsidiary operations in New York, London and Dubai besides a wide domestic presence in India.

We have established a strong brand reflecting our value system, process-approach, best practices, ability to scale and timely project execution. We derive our inspiration from the dedicated efforts of our team, vision & guidance of top management and client support we continue to enjoy worldwide.

We always think long-term and our real-time working knowledge in different verticals, on different domains, in different geographies will be a key differentiator for your success in Today's Flat World.

Have your own dedicated offshore teams to complement your on-site technical team, build an alternate delivery centre, outsource coding & testing modules, augment niche technology skill sets and enjoy significant cost advantage. We can be your trusted Indian Offshore Partner.

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